Ways you can support Aberystwyth in this time of crisis

Ways you can support Aberystwyth in this time of crisis

Now is the perfect time to reach out to help other people. While many of us are staying at home, there are still many things we can do the spread love and show support to our local businesses and local people.

While many of us are staying at home most or all of the time, there are still things we can do to spread love and hope. Here are some ideas…

1) Reach out to help other people
It is important not to forget other people. Think about your neighbours, the wider community and strangers you might never even meet. There are vulnerable people out there who need basics and are putting themselves at risk. If you are not classed as vulnerable and are going to do your weekly shop, think of anyone who might need some basics. Pick it up and drop it on their doorstep, it not only is an act of kindness but it could stop them from putting themselves at risk.

2) Don't worry about what other people are doing
People in every community will face the challenges of covid-19 in some way. Don't automatically get angry if you think someone is breaking the rules, a person out driving may be picking up urgent medication for someone in need, they may be shopping for someone in need or they could even be a key worker on their way to work. Actions instead of judgement is what is needed right now.

3) Connect and reach out to your neighbours
As self-isolation increases, we need to find new ways to stay connected and check in on one another for our physical and mental wellbeing. Share phone numbers and stay in touch. For someone living alone, a simple phone call, email, or text to check in on them could mean the world and decrease the mental strain of isolation.

4) Keep up to date in local online groups
Share information and be positive to your local community. We've found a few local Facebook groups that are helping people, which we've listed below:

5) Support local
A thing we are very familiar with, supporting local.
This could be in the form of buying products to be delivered, buying gift vouchers for the future, or even just liking and sharing posts or reading their blogs. Be aware that most small businesses are suffering, so always go local and go small if you can.

6) Donate, if you can.
We know many people are having money issues or worrying about budgets, so don’t worry if you can’t help in a monetary way, but if you would like to give cash to causes, plenty of local charities are taking donations including:

We hope this list has helped inspire some community action – many of our staff are ticking off this list as they go. Don’t forget you can always reach out to us if you need any specific help, for you or a loved one.

Take care and stay safe, the team at Alexanders.

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